Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stone Circle Hat 2

I have finally finished the Stone Circle Hat. I ripped back the top and redid it. I still managed to drop a stitch which I recovered 4 rows later. At least it wasn't part of the decreasing. I actually not quite done. I still have a lot of ends to sew in. I still have to do them on the carousel hat also.

My daughter and I are all packed and ready to head out tomorrow morning. We are leaving after breakfast. I want to bring some knitting but I haven't had time to figure out what I want to knit next. Well I do know what I want to knit next, it's just I don't have all the colours I need and it is complicated. I am taking the PC with me so the hotel may have WiFi. If it does I will keep you posted on shopping and the competition.

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