Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Hat

Yes, a new hat. This is the one I have knitted to match Kath's baby sweator. It is for the girl at her school. The sweator is not finished yet but Kath showed it to the girl and she loved it. The picture doesn't do this hat justice. The pink is bright fushia with bright green. I think the top looks great.

Well I met Kath at the zoo for a quick coffee. She and some other teachers were bringing a busload of students to the zoo. There certainly were a lot of buses there with students. At least with this age group, they can sort themselves into groups and away they go. I took a quick photo of the two of us. It turned out pretty good.

I rushed home from the zoo. I promised Detta I would bring her hot enchildas for lunch. I made them for dinner last night. Detta doesn't have a microwave at school so I warmed them up and brought them to her. I hope she enjoys them.

Then I spent the afternoon sorting pink and green candy from the rest. This is for my niece, Lisa's wedding. I can't say what candy, you will have to wait to the wedding.

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