Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby Blanket and Pathfinders

Yes, I am still working on the baby blanket. I had to work today and then there was Pathfinders this evening. I can't believe it is almost 8:30 and it is still light out. We went for a walk with the Pathfinders from Rotary Park to Harwood. It was really nice to walk along the lake. But coming back the bugs!!! There were swarms of those tiny little midges(?!) which were getting in hair, mouths and eyes. I need to do this every night.

I must get the kit list from Detta. We are going camping this weekend with the Pathfinders. She was given it last week (I wasn't feeling well and didn't go) and I still have not received it! We aren't actually camping in tents, much to Detta's relief. I would prefer tents but I do like somewhere dry to sit. The past two years when I went camping (in tents) with the Girl Guides, it rained the entire weekend. Last year we all go soaked, very unpleasant. And an experienced Guide leader like myself had all her clothes soaked!

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