Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Dinner

We had a great dinner over at my sister, Annes. There were 15 of us which is smaller than usual. I actually didn't over eat for a change, even though I nibbled at stuffing all day. Miles and Detta ate some dinner but I think Donovan just filled up on Kinder eggs! Miles then ate piles of chocolate eggs, it was hard to resist with all the eggs on the table. Kath made some great deserts which were gluten free. I like the chocolate and raspberry cake but I think I would have to add some chocolate syrup. There was lots of turkey left over so I am going to have a turkey sandwich with stuffing which Anne made.

Miles and Donovan were given these dino eggs which we are going to hatch. We have put them in water and now I believe it will take two days to hatch. I will keep you updated.

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