Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Job Interview & Lunches

My job interview with the ILC went very well. Hopefully I will hear back for a 2nd interview. He said it would be early May which is next week already. I have applied for a few other jobs so I am still waiting to hear from them.

Had a late breakfast with Anne & Lizzy at Mars restaurant. I had a very nice western omelette. We even had a very friendly police office sit with us. I think the presence of my beautiful niece attracted him.

It has been nice having two days off a week. I have been meeting all of my sisters, Anne, Joan and Kath for lunch. Last week Detta who was off sick for the day and I went and met Joan for lunch. We went to Wendy's, Joan and I had salads. Detta even had ice cream! The week before that I met Joan and we went for an all day breakfast. It was really good. The restaurant is by the 401 and Brock St. in Whitby. I will have to take Hugh there. The week before that I went and met Kath at her school and we had lunch. Now I will have to go and meet Hugh for lunch. He knows of a good sushi place.

I have started the reducing part of the baby hat. The green and pink look really good together. I am finding it hard to put down. I can't wait to see it finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know as well as i do that that husky police officer was after you and mum! he scooched in pretty close to you! but he was no dougie ;)