Saturday, August 22, 2009

Post Wedding

Well it is the day after the wedding. Lisa looked beautiful and Peter very happy. I have so much to write, I think it may take a few days. Here at my desk I have a lovely bunch of flowers to look at for the next few days. I ended up with several of the table setting which I have taken apart and put in different vases.
The day started out early, Detta and I headed off to have our hair done. Mine was very quick, as it is short. The hair stylist thought it would be easier to straighten Detta's hair and then give it a trim. I thought so too but one and half hours later, I was thinking this was not so good an idea. Detta was in tears, I had to get a towel so she could wipe her eyes. Her hair has not been combed through properly, though she does brush it. I was on the phone to Hugh, to get everything in the van and be ready to go. On the way home I bought the children McDonalds for lunch. So Detta and I had 30 minutes to get dressed and ready to go plus Detta had to eat her lunch. Finally we were on our way.

There were a few stops on route mind you. The first was to buy petrol as we were under a quarter tank. Then just before the 401, we had our second. The kids all started shouting, 'there's a wasp in the candy'. Hugh and I didn't get it at first but we stopped. Yes there was a wasp inside the candy container. How it got in there I don't know. All the candy was in its own bags, nothing was loose. But the wasp flew away. Finally on the 401.

Then as we were just heading through Oshawa in the fast lane, this suv was really trying to overtake us. I mentioned to Hugh that this driver was going back and forth behind, all I thought was another crazy driver. Finally Miles says, 'I think that driver is trying to say something'. Hugh had a look and sure enough the other driver was pointing at the back of our van (not so crazy after all). So we pulled over in a safe spot and Hugh hopped out to have a look. Sure enough our back passenger tire was going flat. So we exited off the 401 and drove looking for a petrol station. There were none around and we drove past the next exit off the 401. Finally I saw a petrol station and we got some air. In the mean time I called Anne to let her know we had a half flat tire and could possibly be late for the wedding. Then we headed off. By Bowmanville, the van didn't seem right, so we stopped again to check the air pressure. All was okay, thank goodness.

Away we went to Bethany. Finally we made it to the church. I missed the turning, I can't believe I got lost in Bethany (looking later there was no street sign!!). Anne actually only arrived just before us. The church was very small. Detta, Miles and Donovan sat with their cousins in the second row but there was no room for Hugh and I so we sat in the front row. No one else was sitting in the front row and to top it off, the table and chair with the documents for the bride and groom to sign were right in front of us. The best part about our location is we had the occassional cool breeze.

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