Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lisa & Peter's Wedding

We are really starting to get the flower arrangements done for Lisa & Peter's Wedding. Last night Detta and I went to Joan's house and made bonbons! Well not really bonbons, but styrofoam balls covered in pink or green tissue wrapped in cello paper and tied at each end like a bonbon. They look really pretty. We only have 120 more to make!!

Today, Detta and I met Kath for breakfast. I had the sausage scrambler, it was very good. Detta tried the egg blt wrap. She ate most of it, I am very impressed with all the new foods Detta is trying.

We drove back to Kath's house and started on some flower arrangements. We did 3 big ones for the church. They took us about 3 hours to make. Kath did most of it. Andrew helped with the cutting of the flowers. He also held the rectangular ones up, one of them may be on a piano. After some grilled cheese sandwiches, made by Andrew's friend, Alex, Kath and I went for a nice dip in the pool.

Then Detta and I headed back to Whitby. I went to Valentino's to get my hair cut. It looks great. Nice and short and really thinned out. I lost my pendant that Miles gave me for Christmas though. I am sure I lost it at the hairdresser but it could have been any number of places. It was the first Christmas present that Miles every gave me. I am very sad to have lost, I wore it all the time.

I did manage to get Joan and Kath the same shirt I bought for myself last night at Marks Work Warehouse. The shirts were $5.00 each, a great deal. Actually I have an extra white one which I may see if Anne wants.

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