Thursday, May 28, 2009


Yesterday as I was leaving work, there were some geese at the top of the stairs into the parking lot. Someone had just walked by them, so I went by quickly. There were 3 grown up geese and 2 babies. As I passed them, the little one in the middle came at me hissing!! I couldn't believe it.

Anyways, I made it through safely. I drove over to Oshawa to meet Kath. We went to Montana's for dinner. I did very good, though we did split a sweet potato fries, they are so good. I had chicken with a mushroom sauce and a baked potato with salsa. I was so full. We then popped over to Reitman's. Kath bought a bunch of clothes, she also bought me a skirt (the one like Annes) and a necklace for Detta. Kath bought this black dress, it looks really good on her.

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