Thursday, May 7, 2009

What a Week!

What a week this has been. On Monday, I found out that the memorial service for my friend Heather's father is on Friday. Then we hear about Auntie Maud being ill and passing away. Anne's boyfriend, Al is hurt and broke his arm. Then Olga is moved to a retirement home and put into quarantine, though this is a common practice. And I have a job interview this afternoon.

But I have had lots of visitors this week. Joan and Tom popped by on the weekend though I missed her. She was riding her motorcycle. Then Anne came by on Monday night for a visit. Katherine and Andrew came on Tuesday night, they stayed for dinner. I made curried chicken, curried rice and Saag Aloo (spinach with potatoes). We knitted also. I have made huge progress on the baby blanket. It is certainly very colourful. Katherine also brought over the baby sweator for the student. It is so cute. Then last night we had a surprise visit from Lizzie. The children were so happy to see her. Lizzie also went and saw Donovan at gymnastics.

I have finally completed four baby hats. I already gave one to a lady at Scrambles, her son and wife had their first baby, also the first grandchild for both sides. Katherine has some teachers at school who are having babies so the other hats can find homes. I love the little pompoms, they are so cute.

Me and my hats!

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