Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shopping and more

Yesterday Detta and I had a very slow start. But it was nice to sleep in. Detta and I went up to the shops in Lisburn. I went to the Tourist Information booth to obtain some information on B&B's up by the Giant's Causeway. On Monday we are going to head up that way but spending a night will give us a little more time. I also wanted to buy a couple of Ordnance Survey Maps but they only had local ones.

We headed to the High Street and went to Easton's. I found the maps I wanted and managed to buy the right ones. I have enough duplicates, I don't need any more extras. Detta of course found two more books she wanted to buy, at least they were 20% off. We had a wander around, I went into Smyth Pattersons (bought some Tyrone Crystal, a small piece) and Woodside. We went into the Linen Centre and had a wander around the museum there.

We then drove over to M&S so I could return some items I bought. Marks now has a cafe so Detta and I had lunch there. We both had bacon & tomato sandwiches. Detta now likes BLT's, but it may the bacon they use over here. The coffee was really good.

On the way back to Patricia's, I decided to pop by Susan's house. She was home and we had a lovely visit. We met Susan's fiance, John.

When we got back to Patricia's, we had just missed Valerie, Niall, and the girls. They would have taken Detta bowling but we met them when they dropped Paul home. The girls are 4 and nearly 2.

After dinner, Patricia, Detta and I popped down to Barbara's house in Craigavon. The poor wee baby has had them up all night. When we arrived, they were about to set off for a walk and it had just started raining. Wee Katie has some wind and is keeping her parents up all night.

Today I went to church with Patricia and Detta stayed home. She watched TV most of the time. The PC's battery died but even though Detta plugged it in, she didn't realize she also had to turn the plug on!!! Something we haven't got in Canada. Right now as I type Detta is actually watching motorcycle racing!!!

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