Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lunch at Alexander's - July 23, 2009

Today we had a very slow start to the day. Detta slept in. Patricia took us to meet Valerie, Barbara and the girls in Craigavon. We then drove to Markethill and had lunch at Alexanders. It is a lovely cafe. I love the cafes over here in Northern Ireland. The food is good and the cafes are so nice. Anyways I had a brie with grapes and cranberry sauce. It was delicious. Detta had a ham and coleslaw sandwich. The desserts were gorgeous. Detta had a piece of chocolate cake. It was decorated so beautifully. I had a maltzer square. Patricia makes them also, it was good but I actually prefer Patricia's.

Afterwards Barbara dropped Detta and I off at my cousin Alan's house. We weren't there very long and it started to pour with rain, just bucketing down. So we didn't go out, we ended up having a great chat. Detta surfed the internet. Then Detta helped Alan make a white sauce, almost exactly how I make mine. We had that with chicken and rice. It was really good, I would have never thought of using the white sauce for anything other than macaroni and cheese.

Alan drove Detta and I back to Lisburn and we went to the movies. We saw Transformers, again. But it was just as good the second time. I haven't been to a movie theatre in the UK in many years. I forgot about the salted and sweet popcorn. I had salted, Detta had sweet!

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