Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Interview and Detta's foot

Well I had an interview today for a Technical Services Technician position. I was very nervous as usual. I think it went well though but they are going to let everyone know on Friday. Only 3 people applied for the position.

Detta's foot is still hurting her. We went to the doctor yesterday and then had a X-ray done. The doctor said he would call if there was any problem. We haven't had any calls yet so no news must mean good news. So we had to call the skating club and arrange for a refund. I am so glad I asked for a doctor's note!! Now we will have to see if she will be okay for soccer camp next week. Some how I don't think her foot will be well enough for running on.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Marble Arch Caves - July 24, 2009

Today, we drove over to Alan's house. Detta and I had arranged to have lunch with Susan but we rebooked it for Saturday so Alan could take us to the Marble Arch Caves just east of Enniskillen. Fortunately Patricia was picking up Valerie's girls so we followed her.
We left about 9:00. It is about a 2 hour drive there but at least the scenery was enjoyable. We arrived about 12:00 (we stopped for a snack). We had to walk down 150 steps to get into the caves. I was worried that it maybe somewhat claustophobic, but it wasn't too bad at all. There were paths laid down to walk on. Though some of the taller people had to watch there heads. Some of the formations or stalactites grow about 1 cm every 1,000 years. In one part you can take boats but due to amount of rainfall the day before the water levels were too high. It really was quite amazing. It was nice and cool in the caves.
After this we headed back to Alan's. Alan made us a chicken curry for dinner. Detta loved it. It was nice to sit down and chat with Alan and his wife, Valerie. Detta copied a bunch of songs from Alan's PC to CD, she was very happy. We listened to it all the way back to Patricia's house.

Then I discovered my mistake about the day we were flying home as you have already read. This also meant Detta and I missed having lunch with my cousin, Susan. At least we dropped by the previous Saturday.

Lunch at Alexander's - July 23, 2009

Today we had a very slow start to the day. Detta slept in. Patricia took us to meet Valerie, Barbara and the girls in Craigavon. We then drove to Markethill and had lunch at Alexanders. It is a lovely cafe. I love the cafes over here in Northern Ireland. The food is good and the cafes are so nice. Anyways I had a brie with grapes and cranberry sauce. It was delicious. Detta had a ham and coleslaw sandwich. The desserts were gorgeous. Detta had a piece of chocolate cake. It was decorated so beautifully. I had a maltzer square. Patricia makes them also, it was good but I actually prefer Patricia's.

Afterwards Barbara dropped Detta and I off at my cousin Alan's house. We weren't there very long and it started to pour with rain, just bucketing down. So we didn't go out, we ended up having a great chat. Detta surfed the internet. Then Detta helped Alan make a white sauce, almost exactly how I make mine. We had that with chicken and rice. It was really good, I would have never thought of using the white sauce for anything other than macaroni and cheese.

Alan drove Detta and I back to Lisburn and we went to the movies. We saw Transformers, again. But it was just as good the second time. I haven't been to a movie theatre in the UK in many years. I forgot about the salted and sweet popcorn. I had salted, Detta had sweet!

Skating Injury

Detta started skating this week. She was doing a summer camp at GTA Skating Academy in Thornhill. They offered on ice and off ice. Detta did not really want to do this but it was for only one week and I wanted her to do some testing.

After that Hugh and I had lunch with Miles. We dropped him off at trampoline. That is a summer camp but it is only a 1/2 day. We headed off to do some badly needed grocery shopping. We finally got to No Frills and my phone went off. It was Detta. On one of the off ice sessions, they were doing ballet. Anyways Detta somehow kicked her foot and hit the wall. I went and picked her up. She was limping along, it is her baby toe. When we arrived home, I filled a container of ice and water and made Detta put her foot in it. We think her toe is broken. So off to the doctor today!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Co. Down - July 22, 2009

Today, we headed off for Hillsborough. On route, we stopped at M&S and bought our lunch. We were going to have a walk around the town. It is very pretty. We stopped at the Tourist Information and looked at the law courts there. It turned out to be such a beautiful day, that I decided we should take a drive down the west side of Strangford Lough. We set off and as we reached Ballynahinch, I realised I had missed my turning and was headed in the wrong direction.

We changed our plans and headed towards Downpatrick. It rained off and on but when we reached Inch Abbey, it stopped. We had a short walk around the ruins. It is very picturesque and quiet, in the distance you can see the steeple of Down Cathedral. This cathedral is believed to be the burial place of St. Patrick.

From here I decided to have a quick detour to an ancient monument I knew of from a previous trip, Ballynoe Stone Circle. I found it easily and we decided to take our lunch with us and eat amongst the stones. It is a long walk down an old sunken lane. Detta was very dubious about the whole thing. When we reached the gate to go in the field, there were cows, at least 15. I went in anyways and gave them a wide berth, in case of any problems.

Detta was so upset but the last time I was here it was raining. I had a nice walk around the circle but obviously we didn't have lunch with the cows, there were too many flies. By the time I got back to Detta, she was in tears.

We continued on to Clough, where we stopped and ate our lunch. The sandwiches were delicious. Detta had a BLT and I had a plain cheese but added coleslaw to it.

We stopped at Dundrum Castle. It was a bit of a walk up to the main level. From there you can go up the keep, but it is a very narrow circular stone staircase. I took my time. Detta did not come up with me. The views from up there are great.

After this we headed back to Patricia's house. She made us a lovely curry for dinner. Even Valerie's little girls ate some. We dropped by Alan's house to see Katherine. Katherine was leaving early Thursday morning for a holiday in the sun. She talked so fast, I could hardly understand what she said. After this we popped by Barbara's house. The baby is sleeping much better.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well Detta and I arrived home yesterday. It was a day earlier than I expected so it was very fortunate that I did indeed check the tickets on Friday evening. I was in a huge state of shock as I only checked them at 8pm and realised I would have to be packed by 4am the next morning.

Well I did manage it. I also repacked Detta's back. Our bags were overweight so I needed to bring it down. As it was we were only 5 kilos overweight but the airlines are now charging for it. It was an extremely long day. Driving to Belfast City airport took less time than I thought so we were there at 4:45am. I always get very anxious before I fly so I tend to over compensate. Funny enough I met a woman with her family visiting relatives in Belfast. They live in Ajax also, not far from our house. Then I found I was sitting beside her on the flight so we were chatting. She babysits a boy whose mother was a good friend of mine when I was in high school. I told her to say hi to my old friend.

We arrived at Heathrow at 8:15ish and made our way from T-1 to T-2. It is so close we were able to walk it with all our luggage. But we had a long wait as our flight didn't leave until 2pm. We had some breakfast and used the PCs for a while. Then we checked in with Air Transat. The airlines (at least Air Transat) weighs your hand luggage (including your purse) which can't be more than 5 kilos. So we were even more over weight now. I really must pack lighter next time I travel that way if I buy anything hopefully I will still be under 20 kilos.

Our flight arrived around 5pm. We were through customs and luggage picked up in about 25 minutes, unbelievable fast. Every customs desk was open, I have never seen that before, no line ups at all. In fact we were waved over by a customs officer. It would be nice if this is continued in the future.

Hugh picked us about 6pm and then we headed to Anne's where he had left Miles and Donovan. I did get to see Anne's new kitchen which is very nice. The glass tiles look great and I love the fan over the stove and the shelves.

I will post the rest of my trip over the next few days so keep posted.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Co. Antrim - 2

I woke up at 5:30am and couldn't get to sleep, finally at 7:30 I showered and dressed. I knocked on Detta's door, she got up much faster than I thought. We both had the traditional Irish breakfast, though Detta's was minus the egg. She didn't want the soda or potato bread so I had them, it was delicious.
We then set off for the Giant's Causeway. We arrive somewhat early, because the parking attendants weren't even there. The pay & display was £6.00 but we didn't have the change so I left a note in the window. We set off down the road, there weren't many other people about. It was quite a long walk down to the stones. My legs were stiff from climbing the stairs at Killbane Castle the day before. Detta enjoyed the rocks, we climbed all over the place. But when we decide to headed back up to the car, it just started to rain. As we walked the rain got heavier and heavier. People were walking down in jackets and no raincoats. When we got back to the car, it was pouring down. Our jackets are not raincoats, they are okay for a drizzle but not rain this heavy. We were soaked. We had to quickly grab our clothes from the day before and changed in the car. As we left, the parking attendant was there, I was hoping to slip by without paying but no luck. He had noticed our note so we weren't ticketed, thank goodness, that would have been more than £6.00. I asked him about Carrick-a-rede rope bridge, he said it was a good mile along the top of a cliff to get to it. As our jackets were already soaked, Detta and I decided that we would have to give this a miss so we headed down towards Carrickfergus castle.

On our way, I notice a town sign for Dunloy. I had been looking at my new book on ancient monuments in Antrim and knew that an ancient monument called Dooey's Cairn was nearby. So I took a quick detour. This one was particularly easy to find as it was sign posted but on a very narrow laneway. I found it and when we walked to it, the grass was being cut. So we went back to the car and waited till they were finished and I walked over by my self. Detta decide to wait in the car while I had a wander around. This ancient monument is a Court Tomb. It was still raining but that wouldn't put me off looking. When I was finished we headed out for Carrickfergus castle again.

We finally made it to Carrickfergus. It was still pouring with rain so we went to McDonald's for lunch. Detta had the Summer Chicken Supreme and I had the Sweet Chilli Chicken Deli. For dessert, Detta had Cornetto McFlurry Mint Chocolate. After this I felt I had enough energy to walk around Carrickfergus Castle.
When we first arrived we walked in the keep as there was a good display there and it was indoors. It was like a gale outside, the wind was howling and rain was pouring down. Our umbrellas kept turning inside out as the wind kept changing direction. We had a quick thorough look around outside. It would have been much better the day before. Maybe we should have waited the extra half hour! In this picture that is Detta heading out of the rain, she had had enough.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Co. Antrim - 1

Detta and I have been very busy the past two days. On Monday, we left and drove up the Antrim Coastline on the Giant Causeway's Scenic Drive. Our first stop was Carrickfergus Castle but we were too early so we decided to push on.

We drove up onto Islandmagee. The roads are so small and narrow. I was interested in finding a particular ancient monument, Ballylumford dolmen. It is actually in someone's frontyard, now that is what I call a garden decoration. We drove onto Portmuck harbour, it would be a lovely place to rent a cottage. I can just see Donovan and Miles playing on the beach.

We then headed up the coast, it is so beautiful. I went inland at Ballygowan to try and find some ancient monuments. We did manage to find a standing stone but as it was in the middle of a farmer's field we just looked from the sidelines. There was a small tractor track between the fields, Detta though I might get arrested for going down it. There wasn't a soul around. We stopped near Linford at a viewing area and ate the lunch Patricia had made for us. It was delicious. Detta really likes the sandwiches, chicken and coleslaw on granary bread.

We continued up the coast and stopped at Bonamargy Friary, just outside Ballycastle. It was a ruin, Detta thought we were trespassing. I told her it was well marked and had parking so it must be open to the public. Sorley Boy from the 16th century is buried there.

Our next stop was Kinbane Castle, it was fantastic. But you really need to be in shape. The stairs going down seemed to go on forever, and the thought of climbing back up! Detta was not so keen. I am not sure if the castle is supposed to be open as it was a bit of a climb to get up. I though it was fantastic but I was completely knackered by the time we reached the top.

We continued on to the Carrick-a-rede Rope bridge but it was very busy. We thought we might go there the next day. We stopped to view Dunseverick Castle. This must have been a very cold spot to live in a stone castle. From there we went onto Dunluce Castle, we decided the Giant's Causeway was too busy.Dunluce Castle is beautiful. Sorley Boy MacDonnell lived here. It is right on the edge of a cliff. It was built in the 13th century and has quite a history to it.From here I decided to find somewhere for the night. We drove into Portrush but it was so busy we went onto Portstewart. We found a lovely B&B called Cul Erg B&B. Detta wanted fish & chips for dinner, so we went to the Harbour Cafe. We got there at the right time, because as we ordered, people were starting to wait for tables. It was very reasonable about £15.00 for both of us.

After dinner, I decided we should go looking for some ancient monuments which we never found. So we stopped back at Dunluce castle and took some pictures of the sun going down. The sun sets about 10:30pm here!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shopping and more

Yesterday Detta and I had a very slow start. But it was nice to sleep in. Detta and I went up to the shops in Lisburn. I went to the Tourist Information booth to obtain some information on B&B's up by the Giant's Causeway. On Monday we are going to head up that way but spending a night will give us a little more time. I also wanted to buy a couple of Ordnance Survey Maps but they only had local ones.

We headed to the High Street and went to Easton's. I found the maps I wanted and managed to buy the right ones. I have enough duplicates, I don't need any more extras. Detta of course found two more books she wanted to buy, at least they were 20% off. We had a wander around, I went into Smyth Pattersons (bought some Tyrone Crystal, a small piece) and Woodside. We went into the Linen Centre and had a wander around the museum there.

We then drove over to M&S so I could return some items I bought. Marks now has a cafe so Detta and I had lunch there. We both had bacon & tomato sandwiches. Detta now likes BLT's, but it may the bacon they use over here. The coffee was really good.

On the way back to Patricia's, I decided to pop by Susan's house. She was home and we had a lovely visit. We met Susan's fiance, John.

When we got back to Patricia's, we had just missed Valerie, Niall, and the girls. They would have taken Detta bowling but we met them when they dropped Paul home. The girls are 4 and nearly 2.

After dinner, Patricia, Detta and I popped down to Barbara's house in Craigavon. The poor wee baby has had them up all night. When we arrived, they were about to set off for a walk and it had just started raining. Wee Katie has some wind and is keeping her parents up all night.

Today I went to church with Patricia and Detta stayed home. She watched TV most of the time. The PC's battery died but even though Detta plugged it in, she didn't realize she also had to turn the plug on!!! Something we haven't got in Canada. Right now as I type Detta is actually watching motorcycle racing!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Northern Ireland

Detta and I arrived in Belfast yesterday. Alan gave us a ride to Heathrow at 7:30am. I am glad we arrived early as the queue for the baggage was very long. We had an e-ticket to confirm our seating which was easy but the baggage queue was unbelievable. We had a couple of hours to spare so Detta bought a new cover for her DS at HMV. We finally got on the flight which was only an hour. But we now have 3 suitcases which I still may reduce back to 2 as we got charged for being 11kilos overweight. Which I did have to pay for!!!

We picked the car up and headed towards Lisburn. I found my way quite easily but the road layout near Patricia and Kenny's house has changed so I became a bit lost but then recovered. Thank goodness Patricia was just having lunch, I was starving. The food on the plane is no longer free so I hadn't eaten anything all day.

We just relaxed and Detta had a nap. Barbara and Trevor came over with the new baby, Katie. She is 6 weeks old and very sweet. Detta even held the baby, I think it is the first time she has ever held a baby.
Today we set off for the Mourne Mountains. It looked like it was going to rain but it held off and turned into a beautiful day. We stopped in the mountains, but it was so windy that we all hopped back in the car fairly quickly. We stopped at Kilbroney for some coffee and had a walk around the park there. If all the family came for a visit, there is a caravan park there.

We then drove over Kilkeel. We went into a few shops. The scenery along the way is just beautiful. I am not sure if Detta finds is so interesting. The ice cream may have helped. Patricia bought Detta a CD which we listened to but only on the condition, if we didn't like, there was the option of turning it off. I think the CD was the best part for Detta. We then stopped at Newcastle and walked along the boardwalk. After this we headed home.
Patricia and Kenny took us out for dinner. Detta was very happy to have pizza, it was delicous.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Richmond Park

Today is the day I planned on repacking. We are off to N.Ireland tomorrow. Alan is giving us a ride to the airport but we are leaving at 7:30 as it is in the direction of his work. Our flight is at 11:00am.

It just chucked it down with rain this morning but then brightened up. But we went for a lovely walk in Richmond Park. We walked through Ham Gate and up to Pembroke Lodge (a lovely Georgian building) where we stopped for tea. Detta decided to have lunch so she had chili con carne with rice and vegetables and then ice cream for dessert. I just had a coffee. We would have sat outside but it was very windy. So we made due with window seat overlooking a very nice flower bed.
We then walked up to King Henry's Mound and had a great view of Richmond looking west. If you look in the opposite direction, you can see the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral. There is some sort of law which protects this view. Nothing can be built taller than King Henry's Mound so the view will be unobstructed. We walked further over and out Petersham Gate. A little further on from the gate, there is a better viewing area which includes a good view of the Thames and Eel Island.

Now we are back I must start packing. At least I have the other suitcase now. Detta and I have decided that we are going to take 3 suitcases. I checked with both airlines and there is no limit to the number of bags, just the 20kg limit. I am sure by the time we leave Ireland, we will be over that. I still have to grocery shopping, I haven't any gravy granules or piri piri yet. Oh and chocolate!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hampton Court

We went to Hampton Court today. Kate came with us. We took the bus into Kingston and of course, it started to rain a little and then it just chucked it down. We had to get the raincoats and umbrella out. We took the boat over to Hampton Court, about 1/2 way there, the rain stopped and the sun appeared again.

Detta and I had our tickets earlier from when we went to the Tower of London. We walked everywhere. The kitchens was the first part of the trip. I like the kitchens the best. Detta especially liked the leeks! We did so much walking. I love all the little court yards and alleyways.
After touring all around the inside of the buildings we went outside. I had promised Detta an ice cream, she had one scoop of clotted cream with port wine and the second of English treacle (or something like that). And with that we had to do a wagon ride, which is a vast improvement on any wagon ride, I have ever had in Canada. Padded seats even. Detta's mood being somewhat improved, we toured the gardens. They were lovely, though planted with some flowers which Kate and I felt were not very Tudorish. We were going to take the boat back to Kingston, but we just missed one, so we took the bus instead. Detta choose us dinner from M&S which was lasagna. I was very surprised, but Detta said I never make it, can you imagine the cheek! I did request some sausage rolls which disappeared very quickly.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ham House

My feet are absolutely killing me. I went to the post office, I had to mail some of Detta's books. She only brought about 12 with her. We may still have to send some more back, surface mail, of course. I then walked down to the shop to get Travelcards for Detta but it was the far one, they only cost £2.00 a day for children. I thought about taking a bus back but after waiting for ages, I walked back (I bought a Milky Way for a burst of energy). The bus passed me on the way. When I got back, Detta and I then went over to Mark's garage. We took the bus for two stops!! It was so close. Mark has not changed much except for being a bit grayer but aren't we all. Had a great chat, it was so good to see him. He now has an Italian bike, Augusta.

Then we walked back to Kate's. She arrived soon after us with the polka dot suitcase. I have had to buy a bigger case because we have so much stuff. Kate brought cheese and bread with her. I have been loving the Sainsbury's cheddar cheese, just the regular one, nothing special. It just tastes so good especially with fresh buns and butter. We did have some creamy coleslaw so I added that also, delicious.

After lunch, Detta and I set off again. We went to Ham House in Richmond. It is a National Trust property. It was very interesting. The house is very dark with lots of wood paneling, of course all the windows are covered to protect all the paintings in the house. They also had the kitchens open, which were very interesting and the first private bathroom in Britain. We then went and had tea and scones (and ice cream for one particular person) in the Orangery where the old kitchen gardens were. It was very picturesque. There was lots of lavender and bees, I just couldn't resist a photo. The bees were too busy with the lavendar to notice me.The Orangery was covered in wisteria which is all in bloom. Kath would love this. We wandered around the gardens and sat on the steps at the back of the house over looking it all. The gardens here are still waiting to be done up. They would truly be magnificant but I am sure when the National Trust has the money, it will get done. We went through one of the other gardens which is also lavendar with box hedges around. Very pretty, as there are two types of lavender and the one is silver and the other green.

After leaving here we walked around the other way to the bus stop. It was like walking in the country. The walls of the house on one side and the overgrown fields of grass on the other. With rows of trees lining the walkways. It was lovely.

Tomorrow we possibly are going to Hampton Court, more walking (all those cobble stones!!!!!).

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today, Detta and I met up with Andrew. It was great to see him. Andrew hasn't changed a bit though, he seems to be doing well for himself. A few properties and horses! Miles will definitely be interested in visiting him.

We met up at Clapham Junction and then went out for Chinese food. We had a great chat and great food. Detta is definitely enjoying meeting her relatives. We then had a walk and ended up at Waterstones. We will have to try and get in touch with Fred.

Visiting Family & Friends

Yesterday Alan gave us a ride over to Wimbledon and then Detta and I took the tram to Croydon. It was very quick and passed through all the areas I used to drive. Though I didn't recognize some as we were in Mitcham Common and not by the road. We did pass by the back of IKEA and Sainsburys.

We met my friend, Lisa Holland and her daughter, Kerri at Pret a Manger. It was so good to see her. It has been at least seven years since I saw her last. And the last time I saw Kerri, she was a wee baby.

We then went over to met Juliet at her work place. It was very interesting to ride the bus and walk in Croydon. So much has changed. Juliet took us back to her house and we met all the family. Robert has not changed at all. In fact it was just as if we saw them yesterday.
Detta really got on well with her cousins like she has always known them. Juliet and I walked up to the high street and bought fish and chips for lunch. She caught me up on all the family gossip. Their house is lovely and Hugh you would love their shower. Detta, Lauren and Nicole decided they wanted to go and see Ice Age 3. So we took them back to Croydon and they were able to see it in 3D. Juliet and I went to Primark and shopped.
I should of course mention Alan and Kate who were are staying with. They have been great. They have driven us around, feed us, housed us. I suggested for next year we should do a house swap.
Their boys are so big now 15 and 13. Lester is so tall and Alex is not far behind.
Alan works more close to home now so quite often drives his bike which is a 500cc moped to work. And Kate works at the library. This is Alan in his studio.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Relaxing Day

Today was a very relaxing day. I didn't do much and Detta did even less. I ended up wandering into Kingston to have a look at the Denby at TK Maxx but it wasn't the one Lisa wanted. I ended up shopping at Marks & Spencers but now I am going to return the underwear because I bought it online cheaper. I am having it delivered to my cousins in N.Ireland. I wandered around for a bit and found a suitcase I am going to buy as Detta's and mine are not larger enough. It is really big and bright pink with polka dots, maybe I should get the black one!!

Kate and Alan with Alex took us out for a Indian food. It was delicious. I had a chicken dansak and Detta had a biryani. She did try some of Alex's Madras and mine. This is the first time Detta has had Indian food from a British restaurant. I think she enjoyed, I know I did.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Twilight & London Touring

Detta and I went to the Twilight event at Kingston Library last night. It was very good. The event was put on by the Kingston Library but it was made up of contributions by the public, particularly teenage girls. There were a lot of girls there. Detta enjoyed herself which was the most important. Detta wants to find out if our library can do something like that. Kate was the MC for the event and she did really well. We weren't allowed to leave right away because Prince Edward had come to the building to see another event and while he was entering we had to stay where we were.

Today we toured London. We took the bus to Richmond and caught the Tube to South Kensington. We then took a bus to Cambridge Circus. From there we walked around through the Seven Dials and make our way to Covent Garden.
We had lunch there by the Apple Market. Then we watched a street performer, he put a sword down his throat!!! Detta and I were unable to watch him do it but I did hold the camera up and get a photo at the last minute. He also stood on a type rope and juggled. Detta thought this was great.

We then walked over towards Trafalgar Square, passing by a favourite cafe of Joans and mine. I remember going here 20 years ago.

Trafalgar Square has changed so much. The road in front of the National Gallery is now a pedistrian walkway and there are stairs leading down to the Square. With all the people on the stairs, it reminded me of the Spanish Steps in Rome. There are even a cafe, seating and washrooms in Trafalgar Square now.

We wandered around the National Gallery, saw Van Gogh's Sunflowers. Detta didn't believe that it was the real thing. I dragged Detta around to see the Turners and some other famous painters.

We were both getting tired by this point so we grabbed a bus from there up Regent Street and along Oxford Street. We hopped off at Marble Arch and then took another bus back to South Kensington and home to Kingston. The grand tour. We will probably go back next week and take some other buses. We still have to see Westminster and perhaps the Abbey.

I love this sculpture of the horse's head. It is right by Marble Arch. At first glance on the bus I didn't even notice it. It wasn't till we were around the side, that Detta noticed it was a horse's head.