Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day off

I had a busy day for being off. I managed to deliver the hats for Donovan's teacher. So she should have them in a few days. I photocopied and delivered the forms for Donovan's and Miles' doctor appointment. We should have an appointment by September. I went and had my hair cut, not quite as short as I would like it. Afterwards I went the hair supply store at Pickering Town Centre and they had some rollers. They are all the same size and were on sale, bonus. Then I rushed back to the library as I had signed up to do a Job Interviewing Skills talk. It was very interesting and worthwhile.

Oh yes one of Donovans front teeth fell out yesterday. Well it didn't exactly fall out. While Donovan was eating dinner it became so wiggly he couldn't eat. It hurt also. Hugh finally convinced Donovan to allow him to pull it out. I gave Donovan a chocolate popiscle to eat and numb the area. It seemed to do the trick, Hugh managed to pull it out without much fuss. Now Donovan has a big hole in his mouth.

I made cheese and macaroni for dinner. It was delicious. Hugh and I had bacon in our batch. Miles and Donovan don't like the topping so this was divided between Detta, Hugh and I. And there is enough to have a bit at lunch tomorrow.

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