Monday, June 8, 2009


I listed two items on Craigslist, our chandelier and the computer cabinet. People have contacted me about them but I haven't heard anything since. Hopefully tonight we will be rid of the computer cabinet. This is so much easier than eBay but definitely more local.

Detta and Miles are both ill now. High temperatures, runny noses, etc. Detta stayed home from school today and they will both be staying home tomorrow. Miles had a high temperature on Friday and Saturday but on Sunday we thought he was recovering. Now only Hugh and Donovan need to come down with it. I finished my antibotics this past weekend and the cough is much better but still lingering.

I have been knitting a new layette. This one is simpler than the other one but I changed the green to an aqua with looks better with the verigated and the yellow. I am moving along nicely now that I have started knitting again. I didn't feel like it when I was sick. I am on the second arm and then I am going to knit all of the yoke part all in one piece, less sewing that way.

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