Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting Ready for the Big Party

We are putting things together now.  Hugh took the day off and we went shopping for more candy, toys, party snacks and a few assorted things.  I am so glad he was available, I don't think I could have done all this by myself.

I made the pinata last weekend, in the shape of a snake.  It is painted and today Hugh helped me put the tissue paper on.  But first I filled it with lots of toy reptiles - snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators and candy, of course.  The pinata is not any particular snake, Hugh thinks it looks like a hairy caterpillar.  I think it looks great, quite the masterpiece but the glue is going to take a while to dry.  The tissue side is actually the bottom as that is how the pinata will look when it is hanging up.

Meanwhile Hugh was also mixing up the cakes.  We made two chocolate bundt cakes.  Once they were cooled we cut them in half and fit them together like a snake.  Hugh trimmed the head and tail.  The cake is delicious, I suggested we add some chocolate chips for that extra chocolate taste.  Then I iced the cake with chocolate icing,it didn't look much like a snake at this point if you know what I mean.  But I got out the smarties and small ju-jubes and started decorating.  It is a ju-jube diamond back snake cake.  It looks great with the candies on it.  Hugh put together this really big box so we could put it away in a safe spot, ready for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lisa Regier said...

I LOVE the cake! What a cool idea to cut the bunt cakes in half to make a snake! You are so creative! :) And the pinata is very cool too.