Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Birthday Party

Donovan's party was a great success.  He was so excited all morning, the time just didn't pass quick enough.  We spent the morning tidying up and blowing up balloons.  Setting the table which we discovered we really couldn't fit 12 people around as our chairs take up too much space.  And then it started to pour with rain so we wouldn't be able to have the pinata outside!

Then finally at 1pm, everyone showed up.  They all had a great time dancing for the first 15 minutes, then the pizza arrived.  Of course everyone seemed to want cheese pizza and we had pepperoni mostly but it all worked out.  There were even leftovers for Miles.  Finally the people from Sciensational Sssnakes!!.  Once they were set up, the children all trooped downstairs for the informational part of the show.  We had been told that they would do a talk first, but as they did their talk, they continually brought out different snakes (there was one turtle).  The last snake was a huge boa constrictor.  At this point, they passed the boa constrictor to some of the children and brought out at
least 3 or 4 other snakes.  The children were all ohh-ing, ahh-ing and lots of giggling.  There were lots of different snakes: milk snakes, corn snakes, an Ontario Water snake, a ball python, an Eastern hog nosed snake.  I took so many pictures.  Donovan was just so excited.  This was really worth it, if you are interested in snakes.  The children had lots of fun getting the boa constrictor twisted around them.  I think Detta liked the boa constrictor.

Once the Sciensational Sssnakes packed up, the children had the pinata.  Hugh held it on a stick so it could be hit.  Donovan was the first one to give it a good whack and the pinata broke on the second hit.  I am sure the children didn't mind as it was stuffed with lots of toy reptiles and candy.  Then everyone came back upstairs for cake.  Donovan loved the cake.  Some of the children even had a second piece.  And now it was time for everyone to go home.  YEAH.

Once everyone left, Donovan opened his presents.  He received some really nice presents and money.  Lucky boy.

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