Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a Week!!!!

What a week, last week that is! Detta was sick on Tuesday; she had a bit of a cough and felt a bit hot so she stayed home.

Then on Wednesday night, Donovan and Miles were horsing around, what’s new. But then Miles ran into the bathroom and shut the door. Donovan charged after and put his arm through one of the glass panes. At least the panes had a protective plastic coat on it so the glass just broke away from him. Donovan only ended up with a load of scratches down his arm.

Also on Wednesday night, Detta fell at skating, backwards and smacked her head on the ice, though I didn’t find this out until Thursday morning. I even picked up Detta after skating and went to Pathfinders and she didn’t say a word. Anyways Detta stayed at home on Thursday, her head was still sore and her shoulders were aching.

Now to Friday morning, Donovan and I were horsing around. I told Donovan to do some sit-ups but I guess he grabbed his head and gave it a good tug to pull himself up. Well I guess he pulled himself very hard and hurt his neck. At first he wouldn't move so I picked him up. He rested his head on my arm and then I laid him on the bed. After half an hour, Hugh tried to move but Donovan screamed and screamed. We just didn't know what to do so we called 911. The paramedics came and had a look at him but they felt no damage was done to his neck. So we kept him home. Hugh took him to the doctor later in the day and it was decided that he had pulled some muscles in his neck.

But on a good note, I made some cabbage rolls for the first time. I bought a green cabbage for 97 cents, it was huge. I used a recipe from the Joy of Cooking. The hardest part was getting the cabbage into a pot of boiling water. I had one pot which was just big enough to fit the cabbage in but it was very ackward getting the cabbage back out again. I made 6 large cabbage rolls instead of 12, the leaves were so big. I followed the recipe for this batch. For the second batch, I added a load of vegies - courgettes, peppers, mushrooms. These cabbage rolls were smaller and I made about 10. The only thing was once we had one of the big cabbage rolls, we found them somewhat bland. Next time, I would definitely add something to them.

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