Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well Thanksgiving is past. We had a wonderful dinner. I bought a 20lb turkey and there was only 9 of us for dinner. There was roast potatoes, roast sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts with bacon, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, oh and stuffing. Though this year I didn't make the stuffing from scratch. Andrew, Lizzie and Joan were with us and Tom came later after work. Joan made a wonderful dessert, Better than pumpkin pie. At least that is what I think it is called. It had this lovely cream filling and then Joan put caramel bits on top with hot caramel sauce - mmm mmm good.

The previous week has flown by. I had a lovely dinner with Tom and Joan on Tuesday evening. The courgettes with breadcrumbs were delicious and there was carrots and beets. The pork chops also were done with breadcrumbs but I believe these were Japanese breadcrumbs. It was all very tasty.

Then on Wednesday, one of my old professors (though she isn't old), asked me if I was still looking for work. She had someone call up looking for a person who could catalogue and she thought of me. Anyways she put the two of us together and I had an interview after work at Environment Canada. It would be a temporary contract through an agency so essentially not a job with the government. But the pay was so low I just couldn't accept it. I emailed her on Thursday to tell her. Come Thursday evening she called me and said if she could get more money for the position would I still be interested. So I said yes. So the short of it is I have registered with a employment agency and will have to wait and see what happens.

Detta and Hugh went out on Saturday and bought the paint for her room. As of today, Detta and I have painted two coats of the purple and one coat of the orange, yes purple and orange. But we chose "nice" purple and orange. I still need to do one more coat of the orange paint. I think Detta wants a stripe, I really shouldn't have suggested it!!

And tonight, there was a call on our home phone from 'Laurie's Cell'. Well I wasn't going to answer the phone because I thought it was one of the children having fun. Miles answered the phone and didn't know who it was so I took it. It seems I dropped my phone while I was at the grocery store. I have a pocket on the side of my purse where I have been keeping my cell phone lately. It won't be there any more. So I drove by the person's house and picked my cell phone. I think I may write the Star about this for their section on the kindness of strangers.

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