Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Week

Another week has passed by. I didn't get the job at UOIT. And I had an interview with UofT Scarborough for a night Technician last week. Yes, they are opening their library 24/7 from Oct to Dec and then Feb to May. But I haven't heard anything yet.

But in the mean time I have been looking the the Staffordshird hoard as it is being called. The Saxon gold found in England. It sounds so interesting. You wonder why it was found in the middle of a farmer's field. Was there a building there once and someone hid it? Who knows? Maybe once the area has been excavated the public will find out.

Nothing exciting on the Rodney front. Detta is off to skating - volunteering today. Donovan is at karate and Miles is there watching. I think Miles is going to start up karate also.

I was checking facebook and I see Lisa has added a few photos. She looks so beautiful, I had to add one of them here.

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