Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Interview

Had another interview today at a public library. I don't think it went well but my interview skills need improvement badly. It would be a great job, just 16 hours a week. With that and Seneca I would practically be working a full time job. The pay at Seneca needs improved though.

Tomorrow is the vote at Seneca for a union for part-time contract staff with OPSEU. I hope this will increase our wages. It would also be nice to have benefits, vacation pay and sick days. Well I certainly will be voting YES.

Today I must finish painting Detta's room. I have put on a second coat of the orange, I am just waiting to see how it turns out. I think I may have to put another coat of the purple on. I can't wait for it to be finished. Detta is sleeping in Donovan's room since we started so Donovan is sleeping with Hugh and I!!! Now it is going to be so difficult to get him back in his own bed. Donovan loves his Mummy!!

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