Sunday, September 13, 2009

British Columbia

Well here I am in British Columbia. I have come to stay with my father for a week while his wife is away in the UK. The flight went well but it was freezing. I will take some socks in my hand luggage on the way back. I flew with Westjet so I had a stop over in Calgary. Lisa came to meet me for dinner. Kath had sent a small parcel to deliver to her also, plus Detta had bought Lisa and Peter some mugs while we were in England as a wedding gift. They are creamy coloured and one has pink polka dots and the other has green.

It was great to see my Dad, he looks much the same as the last time I saw him. They live in a lovely house in Chilliwack. And he has a very friendly dog called Molly. We have been talking non-stop since I have arrived.

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