Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Books

I am back at work today.  I left early yesterday, I had a swollen gland in my neck which was extremely painful.  I have been on antibotics since Friday evening and they have kicked in.  I feel so much better today.  At least the swelling has gone done and my neck is not so painful.

Anyways.....  I had a very nice surprise when I came to work this morning.  A co-worker of mine gave me two knitting books.  And the books were published in the last year.  What a great surprise!!  I have already noticed a very nice cardigan in one of them, that I may just knit for myself.  I don't usually knit cardigans; they just take so long to knit.

The other book, Knitting Bazaar has some lovely designs in it also.  I tend to use parts of one pattern and fit it into something else I am knitting.  I like to knit hats and mittens. 

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