Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cheese Cakes

Anyways the picture presentation went really well. I picked Joan up and away we went. New Zealand is definitely a very scenic country. It is one place I will probably never make it to. I can't really see my husband doing all the walking that Alan and Katherine did. They did a blog while they were away which is on my list of links. Midway through the presentation, we stopped and had coffee/tea and dessert. The cheese cakes were a hit with everyone.

Yesterday, Kath and I made a whole bunch of cheese cakes. Kath and Alan are having a presentation of pictures from their 3 month trip to New Zealand. It is being held at their local church.

I drove up after the school assembly. Miles was presented with a Lion Leadership Award. He was very pleased with it. Detta was in the Battle of the Books and her team placed 4th, just missing out on going to Provincials. Hugh and I didn't even know she was in it!

I put all the graham crackers through the food processor. Kath mixed in the butter and sugar while I started on the cream cheese. Then we started the dream whip and mixed it with the cream cheese. This is the uncooked, fridge method of cheese cakes. We had a large assortment of dishes to put this all in. Then we had cherries and blueberries to put on top. I took one home and did up a mixture of blackberries and raspberries (which I took back the next day).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sugar Scrub

Yesterday Detta and I went shoe shopping for her Grad shoes. Detta ended up with some nice shoes, low heels and two pairs of sandals/flip flops. I also managed to find a pair of very nice black slip ons, so nice in fact I may go buy a second pair. We then went over and picked up Detta's friend to spend the night with us.

Detta had this sugar scrub she wanted to make so I had to go out this morning and buy sugar and grape seed oil, not the cheapest oil. The girls had lots of fun measuring and mixing. Donovan also had his hand in with the measuring, though he is not very keen on trying it. I think Donovan thought we were making something you could eat especially with all that sugar. I love all the colours in the containers.

I finished another book this afternoon, 'Diva's Don't Knit' by Gil McNeil. It was very good, takes place in England. I must find the next one to read.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I just finished a book (actually I just sent Detta to grab them from my bedroom). I spent all morning in bed reading and now it is noon. The book is called 'The School of Essential Ingredients' by Erica Baurmeister. It is such a lovely book, I really enjoyed reading it. It was about a cooking class and the lives of the teacher and the students, very sweet.

Yesteday I finished another book called 'The Lost Garden' by Helen Humphreys. It was also a lovely book but had a very sad ending. I cried and I cried.

Anne had a big clear out of books and I have two huge bags to read. I also took about 10 boxes (wine bottle size) to get rid of. I am going to take them to Gnu books who buys back used books. I was going set up an account for Anne.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My New Hat

I forgot to put pictures of my new hat. Well not actually my hat but the hat I knit for Jan's daughter who is having her first baby. The hat matches the jacket my sister Kath knit. I love the colours Kath chose. They look really good. I would have never thought of putting those colours together.

I am still finishing the socks but they are knitting up quickly. I love the socks, I will be knitting more of them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What a couple of Days

On Tuesday night, Kath called me and asked if I wanted to come over to her friends on Wednesday as she was dying!!! I thought that seemed a bit strange. Why would I want to watch someone dying!! What Kath meant to come and see some fabric being dyed!

So on Wednesday morning after my dentist appointment which went very well except at my next appointment I am having my gums measured. My husband informed me that it is excruciatingly painful, thanks for that darling. Anyways I went to meet Kath. I know Kath's friend also but we will just call her Mrs. P.
Mrs. P was demonstrating how to dye wool for hooking. She was finishing dying the background for a friendship rug. We had a very good demonstration on dying fabric though I can't remember what this method is called.

While the material was cooking/steaming, we went through a bunch of Mrs. P's quilt and rug books. I just might hook a rug myself. I found one of a cow I really liked. I also finished the heel on my sock. We then left there and had lunch in Orono. I had a beef sandwich with fries, delicious. By the time we got to Kath's house there wasn't much time to help pin her rugs but I did get the wool to start a hat to match the baby sweator Kath knit for her friend Jan's daughter.

I was home by 5:30 and started casting on the hat. After a couple of trys I got it right and started knitting. But then it was dinner, Hugh cooked a lovely dinner of baked chicken, vegies and rice. It was delicious. Everyone loves this chicken.

Then Detta and I were off to Pathfinders. We were all meeting at Greenwood Conservation area and going for a hike. Detta and I forgot our whistles, water and flashlights. We were not very well prepared. Anyways the hike was great, what a workout. This is the trail I was trying to find when we went on the snake hunt at Easter. The boys would love this, right by the river and lots of mud. I was so sore, up and down hills. I want to do it again this weekend. My legs and butt were killing me.

I knit more on the hat while watching CSI. I did say I was going to stop watching CSI. The episodes seem to be in for the thrill factor and their lack of wearing protective gear for the crime scene is beginning to irritate me. I just love all the high heels and loose hair!!!!

Today I headed to Kath's early. I was so stiff I could hardly get out of bed but I was there by 9am! We had some coffee and Kath started to put the finishing edge on her carpet. I think it is called 'Queen Anne's Lace'. It is so pretty. I kept knitting at the hat and finished it. The curly q's on the top look so cute. It was a good morning and afternoon.

I had a really had a surprise when I came into work. I had a message from one of the staff in the fashion dept. Earlier in the week I had bought some raffle tickets and then you put them in the envelope of the item that interests you. Well I had put all of mine in this Dior make up set (there were quite a few of them). So guess what, I won one!!! YES. I better go and buy a lottery ticket now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I was given this kit for the contest I entered at Soper Creek. This is the first sock I have ever knit, it has been so easy and fun. What have I been missing all these years? Those socks I have that don't fit well (I have small feet), now I can make my own! I even went on Youtube to find about grafting or the Kitchener stitch as its called. Now that I have one finished I can't wait to get the second done. Next time I do a pair I will make them a bit longer though.

My entry for the contest at Soper Creek was a hat from a Mission Falls book using there 1824 wool. It is so soft. Kath won second prize with her socks. Joan also entered the contest with a tea cosy. For the contest we bought a kit with selection of wool from Mission Falls 1824. We had to use the wool in the kit but we could use more and other wool from our own stash. If you remember Kath won first prize last year and I tied for second.

Kath's Socks & Joan's Tea Cosy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Casual Job

What a surprise, I had a call last week from a previous job. They want me to come and work casual. This means of course I will only be called if someone is on holiday or sick so that just might not be very often. But it is a "permanent" casual job, how exciting.

Because it is a hospital and a permanent job, I had to do blood work, tb test, mask fit and I had a tetanus shot (which hurt). I hope I get called for holiday replacement soon, the pay is good.