Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Week

Another week has passed by. I didn't get the job at UOIT. And I had an interview with UofT Scarborough for a night Technician last week. Yes, they are opening their library 24/7 from Oct to Dec and then Feb to May. But I haven't heard anything yet.

But in the mean time I have been looking the the Staffordshird hoard as it is being called. The Saxon gold found in England. It sounds so interesting. You wonder why it was found in the middle of a farmer's field. Was there a building there once and someone hid it? Who knows? Maybe once the area has been excavated the public will find out.

Nothing exciting on the Rodney front. Detta is off to skating - volunteering today. Donovan is at karate and Miles is there watching. I think Miles is going to start up karate also.

I was checking facebook and I see Lisa has added a few photos. She looks so beautiful, I had to add one of them here.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


It is nice to be home. I slept in till nearly 11:00 but I am still on BC time. I missed everyone.

Donovan's knee looks terrible. He has a huge scab on it, I hear he knocked the first one off while I was away. Detta and I were carrying Donovan into the bathroom to cut his hair and we knocked the scab again. Lots of crying and carrying on but I did manage to trim his hair. At least Donovan looks respectable now. Hugh then put this huge bandage on his leg so he's limping around. Now I see it has fallen down.

We are heading off to Swiss Chalet for dinner. It is a lovely day here but I feel a bit out of sorts. It is probably the time change. I haven't eaten a thing all day.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Yesterday we headed over past Abbotsford to Cloverdale. It is about an hour away on the Trans Canada. We went to this farm Dad knows and picked some beets. The farmer there gives the smaller beets to another farmer to feed his cows. So we picked the small beets from the bin.
Today we needed to go get a few groceries at Loblaws so we stopped by for some pie at the local airport - I fly for pie. I had Saskatoon pie with some cream. I thought the pie would just have a blob of cream but this was covered completely. Needless to say it was delicious. See the review from the Globe and Mail for a better write up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bottling Beer

Today we went to the beer making place. We bottled 50 bottles of Corona beer. It only took under an hour to bottle all this beer. There was another couple there bottling beer also. The smell was very overwhelming. When we left I felt as if I had drunk a few bottles already. I am going to try some tonight. I had the chocolate raspberry port last night, it was very tasty.

The country side is very beautiful. Everywhere you turn the mountains are there. I can see why so many people move out here. We are heading out tomorrow to pick up some beets and then out for lunch.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

British Columbia

Well here I am in British Columbia. I have come to stay with my father for a week while his wife is away in the UK. The flight went well but it was freezing. I will take some socks in my hand luggage on the way back. I flew with Westjet so I had a stop over in Calgary. Lisa came to meet me for dinner. Kath had sent a small parcel to deliver to her also, plus Detta had bought Lisa and Peter some mugs while we were in England as a wedding gift. They are creamy coloured and one has pink polka dots and the other has green.

It was great to see my Dad, he looks much the same as the last time I saw him. They live in a lovely house in Chilliwack. And he has a very friendly dog called Molly. We have been talking non-stop since I have arrived.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

They are all off. Detta is in her last year of primary school. She was really looking forward to returning to school but then so were Miles and Donovan.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A few wedding photos

Kath came by this evening. They brought the wedding pictures over which they took. Here are a few I like.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Trip to Kincardine

Last week we popped up to Kincardine for a couple of days. We had one day at the Boiler Beach and then it rained for two days. Alex, Detta's friend from Toronto came with us. And we stayed at my friend Karen's house. They have a flat in the basement where Hugh, the boys and I stayed and the girls slept in Katie's old room.

It was a great day at the beach. The weather was cool, but that didn't stop us. There was no way I was going in the water but everyone else did, though not for too long. We ended up playing on the beach for ages. We started to divert the water run off but it took a long time. Everyone took long walks up and down the beach. It was very nice.

It is always amazing how the beach changes from year to year. This year the water level is really high. The old boiler, hence Boiler Beach, is actually in the water. I haven't seen that for a couple of years. It is so full of sand that there are plants growing out of it now. When I was little it was much further out in the water. I also saw sand pipers this year. They haven't been around the past few years but then there may have been too many people on the beach before. The beach was practically empty when we arrived but by later afternoon there must have at least 20 people.

We ran into Kim. I can't believe how grown up Deanie has become. All the kids got on great together. We came home Sunday and then Donovan wasn't feeling well so I stayed at home with him on Monday.

Post Wedding 2

Well I haven't received any more photos of the wedding. But it was great. To continue on where I left off:

We forgot the Chinese boxes for the candy at home so all of us drove home. At least the tire didn't go flat again. Once there we feed the children some Jamaican patties to tide them over. Then we headed back to Newcastle for the reception. I ended up driving to Whitby before getting on the 401 to miss the Friday afternoon traffic out of Toronto.

The reception went well, there were some really big fans to keep the air moving around. Detta sat with a bunch of teens for the meal. I think she really liked that. We sat with the boys, Margo and as it turned out the minister and her husband, Laura and Ted and another woman from the church. They were not very communicative with us. At least I had Margo to talk to. Hugh tried to engage Ted but from what I heard later it was a one way street. Anne gave the boys this great pad with lots of different activities. This kept the two of them very busy for most of the dinner.

The dinner was lovely though I missed all the desserts which may be a good thing. I had taken Miles and Donovan outside for a bit of a run around. I think the boys enjoyed being dressed up in their shirts and ties. They kept pretending they were spies. Donovan looked like one of those rockers from AC/DC, he was wearing shorts with soaks and running shoes!Then the speeches, there were lots of them. The best man may have offered us more information than we would have liked. And then the tables were moved back and Lisa and Peter had their first dance. Hugh and I then set up the candy buffet. We had lots of helpers. It looked great.
Then all the dancing started. Donovan was dancing like crazy, he danced with all the family. All the family was dancing. The music was very good and kept everyone moving. The candy buffet was off to a slow start. I don't think people really knew what to do. But then by the time we left I had refilled all the candy I had left.

We headed home about 10ish. Miles was starting to feel very short of breath. The reception hall was not air conditioned and it had become very warm and stuffy. Of course we had forgotten Miles' epipen (someone else also had one) and puffer. Hugh came back to the reception so he could clear away all candy buffet. It sounds like everyone had a good time. Hugh arrived back at the reception just in time to have a sausage in a bun.