Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weightwatchers Week 12

Week 12 started out pretty bad but I have stayed on track the past two days. Back to my skinny bagels and cream cheese (low fat of course). I added some tomato the past couple of mornings.

Tonight I am going to make Bok Choy Skillet Supper. It has mushrooms, tomatos, shallots, bulgur and bok choy, of course. I don't know what the children will eat but I am sure they won't want to try the Bok Choy. I will give it a try though.

Hugh and I did some exercise this morning, finally, I managed to drag myself out of bed. I feel invigorated for it though. We followed the Low-cardio power walking by the Biggest Losers. It was 16 minutes of constant moving. A friend at the library recommended it. I can see myself doing this every day.

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