Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weight Watchers Week 13/14

I think I am in week 14 but I have been so busy. The past week was not good. I have been on a yo-yo for the past couple of weeks and this must stop. I made some 0 points soup last night for the next four days. Lots of mushrooms, spinach and green onions plus I used beef stock for a change - low sodium, of course. I had a good day yesterday, even though I had Chinese food.

Hugh is steadily losing which is good. We need to be exercising more but I am very busy or either that, I am so tired. If the weather would get better, Donovan and I would go to the park.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weightwatchers Week 12

Week 12 started out pretty bad but I have stayed on track the past two days. Back to my skinny bagels and cream cheese (low fat of course). I added some tomato the past couple of mornings.

Tonight I am going to make Bok Choy Skillet Supper. It has mushrooms, tomatos, shallots, bulgur and bok choy, of course. I don't know what the children will eat but I am sure they won't want to try the Bok Choy. I will give it a try though.

Hugh and I did some exercise this morning, finally, I managed to drag myself out of bed. I feel invigorated for it though. We followed the Low-cardio power walking by the Biggest Losers. It was 16 minutes of constant moving. A friend at the library recommended it. I can see myself doing this every day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Last night Detta went to Oshawa Library - Northview Branch where they had a Cupcake Decorating session for Mother's Day.  All the girls did such a beautiful job decorating their cupcakes.  Here are Detta's, needless to say they didn't last the night.  The cupcakes were by Aunt Aubreys.  They were very good!

The weight loss has had its ups and downs.  Hugh is doing well with over 18 lbs lost.  I gained 4 lbs last week but still have an overall 9 lb loss.  So much of my clothes doesn't fit me.  I need a good clear out of my closet.  Maybe next weekend.

Detta and I are off to Dorchester camp this week with the Pathfinders.  It is going to be a blast, I can't wait.  This is in conjunction with Scouts.  There are lots of good activities to do.  The official name of this camp is Dorchester International Brotherhood Camporee or DIBC.