Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a lovely Mother's Day. Hugh made me breakfast which was delicious. Left over potatoes fried, Hugh does a great job of them with an English muffin and cheese. But there were so many potatoes I gave half to Detta and Hugh. Detta gave me a lovely peppermint scrub and the boys gave me some lovely plants for the garden. Donovan also made a flower for me.

Then the boys and I headed off to Church. I think Donovan is really enjoying himself. I may yet have Miles and Donovan baptized. After Church, we went back to Kath's house. Another little boy came along which I think helped keep the arguing to a minimum. Alan made us grilled cheese sandwiches and Miles had crackers and cheese.

After lunch Kath and I looked at the material I had brought over. I wanted to make some knitting bags with them. Knitting bags for my different projects, better than plastic bags and prettier. So I had this lovely purplish silk scarf so we split it in two and had a bag each. It was nice to be able to reuse something rather than purchasing more "stuff". We added some beads on the bottom to give the bags some weight.

I gave Kath her gifts which I had bought at the Knitters Frolic. She loved the antique sock stretchers. I was going to keep one but then I thought that is silly. Who only knits one sock, it is much easier to block both socks at the same time. I will have to buy a set another time (I am only on my second set of socks)

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