Saturday, May 8, 2010

Knitter's Frolic

This morning, I headed off to attend my first Knitters Frolic. It was being held at the Japanese Cultural Centre. Once I arrived I was directed to the overflow parking, it was that busy already. I was very excited. I had decided not to attend any classes this year but I may give them a go next year. Kath was unable to go with me as she and Alan were getting food ready for the Mother's Day dinner which their Church puts on.

Anyways I got inside the building, paid my 5 dollars. There were so many vendors. I bought some lovely types of yarn. All really nice sock yarn. Since I have discovered socks, I can't wait to knit more. I bought a pair of antique sock stretchers for Kath and myself. I also got a free calendar and some knitting markers. There was a lot of different vendors. There was even yarn which you could spin yourself. I don't know if I will go that far. When I left it was pouring with rain but I didn't get too wet.

When I got home I decided to start knitting the little sweater for Detta's teacher last year. She is having her first baby. I am using the Shepherd Classic, it knits up so nicely. I was only about 5 rows into the sweator and realized I had no bright yellow. So I jumped in the car and drove all the way to Soper Creek Yarn. But they didn't have any. In fact she is going to no longer carry this brand of wool. The owner did say she had some at home which she could bring. That was so nice of her to offer but I am sure Kath has some. I am seeing her tomorrow so I can get it then.

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