Sunday, May 16, 2010

Girl Guides 100th Birthday Rally Day

On Saturday, I went to the 100th Anniversary Celebration for Girl Guides of Canada. It was an all day celebration at Ontario Place. There were approximately 11,000 girls and women attending. The Molson Amphitheatre was packed. But to start at the beginning, Detta and I woke very early and Hugh drove us to meet the bus for 7:20am. It was a bit disorganized as no one knew what bus they were supposed to be on. Luckily we happened to be dropped off right where our bus was sitting. I had a cooler full of drinks and snacks and Detta and I certainly didn't want to be lugging that around. The drinks and snacks were for the journey home.

Well off we went about 25 minutes late but the organizers had staggered the arrival of buses so it was no a problem. After receiving our welcome package we all got our tickets and wrist bands. Since we were early we walked over to the Cinesphere where we were supposed to see a short movie on Girl Guides. I guess they were not quite ready for us since we saw 'North of Superior'. I probably saw this myself when I was little since it was made in 1971.

After we left there we made our way to the Amphitheatre for the opening ceremonies. We had to wait quite some time as some buses were late due to the Gardener being closed. The opening went well and once it was finished, we made our way to our first station. The whole process of moving from station to station was interesting to say the least. There were so many people there, that at times it was difficult to move especially with 23 people and one wheelchair. Some of the girls didn't want to take part in the events and only wanted to go on the rides. We should have just let them go about on their own or broken into smaller groups. It was a long day.

By the time the closing started it was getting much cooler. I wish I had had mittens with me. They called the buses numbers out so getting out of the Amphitheatre was much quicker than in the morning. We were back to the pickup site by about 7:30pm. I was exhausted and my feet were killing me.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a lovely Mother's Day. Hugh made me breakfast which was delicious. Left over potatoes fried, Hugh does a great job of them with an English muffin and cheese. But there were so many potatoes I gave half to Detta and Hugh. Detta gave me a lovely peppermint scrub and the boys gave me some lovely plants for the garden. Donovan also made a flower for me.

Then the boys and I headed off to Church. I think Donovan is really enjoying himself. I may yet have Miles and Donovan baptized. After Church, we went back to Kath's house. Another little boy came along which I think helped keep the arguing to a minimum. Alan made us grilled cheese sandwiches and Miles had crackers and cheese.

After lunch Kath and I looked at the material I had brought over. I wanted to make some knitting bags with them. Knitting bags for my different projects, better than plastic bags and prettier. So I had this lovely purplish silk scarf so we split it in two and had a bag each. It was nice to be able to reuse something rather than purchasing more "stuff". We added some beads on the bottom to give the bags some weight.

I gave Kath her gifts which I had bought at the Knitters Frolic. She loved the antique sock stretchers. I was going to keep one but then I thought that is silly. Who only knits one sock, it is much easier to block both socks at the same time. I will have to buy a set another time (I am only on my second set of socks)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Knitter's Frolic

This morning, I headed off to attend my first Knitters Frolic. It was being held at the Japanese Cultural Centre. Once I arrived I was directed to the overflow parking, it was that busy already. I was very excited. I had decided not to attend any classes this year but I may give them a go next year. Kath was unable to go with me as she and Alan were getting food ready for the Mother's Day dinner which their Church puts on.

Anyways I got inside the building, paid my 5 dollars. There were so many vendors. I bought some lovely types of yarn. All really nice sock yarn. Since I have discovered socks, I can't wait to knit more. I bought a pair of antique sock stretchers for Kath and myself. I also got a free calendar and some knitting markers. There was a lot of different vendors. There was even yarn which you could spin yourself. I don't know if I will go that far. When I left it was pouring with rain but I didn't get too wet.

When I got home I decided to start knitting the little sweater for Detta's teacher last year. She is having her first baby. I am using the Shepherd Classic, it knits up so nicely. I was only about 5 rows into the sweator and realized I had no bright yellow. So I jumped in the car and drove all the way to Soper Creek Yarn. But they didn't have any. In fact she is going to no longer carry this brand of wool. The owner did say she had some at home which she could bring. That was so nice of her to offer but I am sure Kath has some. I am seeing her tomorrow so I can get it then.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have started at RICN again in Whitby. They only need me for a couple days a week over the next month. It is a nice place to work, a lovely bunch of people.