Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Day

Had a quiet day for my birthday. We decided to leave dinner till the weekend since Miles has robotic club till 7pm. I opened my presents. I received the DK Star Wars Lego Visual Dictionary which I love, a Star Wars Lego set, the 3D Monopoly and a box of Turtles.

We haven't had a chance to play the Monopoly game yet but it seems a little more complicated than the original one. Miles, Donovan and I have poured over the Lego Visual Dictionary. I didn't realize it has only been 10 years since Lego started making sets for Star Wars. I have it beside my bed and Miles also borrows it every night to pour over. It even comes with a unique mini figure of Luke Skywalker!

For my birthday dinner, we went to the Imperial Buffet. The children love it because they get so much choice. Actually their sushi bar is very good. And the chocolate fountain was in operation!! YUMMY!!

1 comment:

David said...

Laurie, it has been a pleasure reading about you and your lovely family, nuclear and extended. Maria and I wish you all continued good fortune and happiness. Merry Christmas