Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tacos Tonight

I am so looking forward to dinner tonight. I bought a huge ground beef and cooked up 2/3's of it with taco seasoning, salsa, onions, celery and of course, the juice from a tin of pineapples. Yes, we have pineapple with our tacos. Hugh being British never had tacos at home until I introduced him to them. Hugh added the pineapple to our tacos many years ago and it has always stuck. I did add a couple of packages of soya mince to the mixture also. It just seems like too much red meat to eat at one sitting. There will be plenty of leftovers so I bought large tortilla shells. I will put together a couple of dishes of enchiladas. All this talk of Mexican food is making me hungry for Hernando's Hideaway on Yonge Street.

The other third of beef I just fried up with some onions, celery and another package of soya mince. That one is in the freezer, the in case of what do we cook for dinner.

We did manage to make up a menu this week, something we haven't done in a while. In this way we can buy the groceries we actually need for the week. I did find frozen pizzas on sale, our favourite ones, McCain Crescendo Rise 'n Crust, only $2.97. A very good deal so I bought 15. We will actually go back and buy some more. If we take them out of the boxes, we can fit more in the freezer. We have pizza every Friday night and ordering out for it, is just too expensive. But the children do like these ones.

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