Friday, March 27, 2009

Budget Taxes

How about that Budget? What is being poured back in economy now, we will pay for after July 2010. I did a quick calculation on the amount of gas we used from June 2008 to December 2008 - it was $2,446.70. If we had to pay an extra 8% tax on that, you can just add another 195.00 dollars. And that is just 6 months of our gas, that doesn't include gas for the house or electricity! I don't think $1,000 covers it. I just did the Ontario Tax Relief Calculator, we will get the $1,000 for a family and $502 in the proposed ongoing tax relief. Wow.

On a different note, I finally finished my little jester booties, they are very cute. I have now started a hat to match them. I just have to find someone to give the
m to.

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