Monday, October 8, 2012

Miles' New Job

My little boy has a job!!  Well Miles is 13 now but he is doing dishes at a local restaurant.  Probably about 5-6 hours a week.  Miles is so chuffed about it.  But he is going to miss Thanksgiving dinner today at my sisters.  The prospect of earning some cash is hard to resist.  Last winter he would grab the shovel and head out to all the neighbours to clear their driveways.  Miles made $90 one Sunday!  Now we just have to find Detta another job.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I have started Pinterest.  I love it.  I am don't pin too much but things I really like.  For instance, in the food board, the pictures there are things I would like to try and yes eventually I will get around to it.  And in the bathroom board I am trying to collect ideas to do our ensuite.  But it may be some time before we do that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sodium101 Part 2
I was looking at my blog and saw that I didn't put the website so here it is. 

Another good website is Nutrition Action.  I received their newsletter for years, it is short but very informative:

And if you want a great place to track your food and it's free try eaTracker, this is through the Dietitians of Canada

And of course there is the Canada' Food Guide which is always good.