Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soper Creek Knitting Contest

I went and voted today at Soper Creek Yarn.  There are a lot of good entries so please go and vote.  Mine is the rat race scarf.  I took a few pictures while I was there.  It was very sunny so the pictures aren't that great.

Monday, March 28, 2011


It is so nice to have all my sisters close by.  I saw Joan on Saturday for a cup of tea and showing her my new hairdo.  Detta and I went to Church on Sunday but we were very early so dropped by Kath's house first.  It was nice to have a chat together before Church.  Then today I was working at Anne's for the morning so we popped out and she treated me to breakfast.  I consider myself very lucky to have such nice and unique relationships with all my sisters.

New Dos

I forgot to mention Detta and I both had our hair done on Saturday.  I have gone for a really short style where as Detta has added red to hers.  That girl is starting to cost a lot for hair and she looks so grown up!!!!!  We stopped by Joan's to show her our new dos

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Soper Creek Entries

On the way home from church today, Detta and I stopped by Soper Creek Yarn to check out the entries for the contest.  We did take some photos.  The entries all look really good.  If you are going by, mine is the mouse scarf or rather rats - Rat Race.

This afternoon, Donovan, Hugh and I headed out to Rotary Park.  We had a very nice walk along the beach.  The stones have all disappeared and it is very sandy now.  There is still lots of drift wood everywhere.  The ice formations on the driftwood was amazing.  I love the ice mushrooms.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lord of the Dance

Hugh took me to see Lord of the Dance at the GM Centre in Oshawa.  It was very good, we both enjoyed ourselves.  I would still like to see the River dance show if it every was on again.  I have never been to the GM Centre before, it is quite big.  The only down side was that it was very cold.  But I only found out half way through the show, that the ice was still in the rink!  I should have brought a sweater.

Funny enough, a co-worker of mine mentioned she was going also and then when Hugh and I were seated, she was sitting about 6 seats away from us! 

There are no pictures yet of the entries for the Soper Creek Yarn contest.  I will put up a link as soon as they are posted.  Now I need to start a new project.  I have some lovely yarns that I have purchased for myself.  I keep starting a project but then I end up not liking it and ripping it.  I will have to decide on something.  I do have a number of projects to finish: the baby blanket (just sewing in the ends), the red mittens (needs the kitchner stitch done to the top) and my sister's mittens (I knit them for Christmas 2009 and never got around to sewing the ends in!).  Also my cousin's daughter just had a second baby girl so I need to do something and I know someone else having a baby boy in a month.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It has been so long since I have updated this blog.  I am now working two part-time jobs and am extremely busy.  But my knitting has not taken a back seat.  I have been knitting like crazy as usual.  I just finished a scarf for the Soper Creek knitting contest.  We had to only use the colours provided in the package.  It took me ages to decide but finally I did the pattern called Rat Race by Morehouse Farms.  The darkest colour is actually purple though it looks black in this picture.  It was fun to knit and took about 4-6 hours in total.