Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Latest

Well everyone is home from camp.  Detta would have liked to stay longer, maybe next year.  Miles and Donovan are glad to be home.  Miles has gone xbox mad and Donovan has started playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii.  Detta has spent lots of time watching movies off YouTube.  Two weeks with no tv or electronic games can be an eternity. 

Today Miles and Detta both went to Wonderland with different friends.  I am glad they were able to go.  That is one place I am not really interested in going especially with my sore feet.  Speaking of which, I went to the doctor today and explained my foot/heel pain issue.  One of my sisters told me about plantar fasciitis which I had never heard of.  It seems she was suffering from this also, only she knew what it was.  I have been suffering from this heel pain on and off (more on) for about 6 years.  I had put it down to the cermanic tiles in the house we moved to and being overweight.  Anyways I had my feet xray'd today to check for heel spurs and I have a referral for a foot doctor.  Maybe the pain will be over soon.

I have been knitting some socks but with all this heat I just haven't had the energy.  But I did sign up for a community yard sale with Creative Yarns Inc.  I have sorted through loads of yarn.  I have been very ruthless, I just can't keep all this yarn.  I have found two beautiful cotton sweators that I knit when I was much smaller.  One of them just needs sewn up and the other only needs an edge knit and then sewn up.  Tomorrow, I am going to sort patterns and books that I no longer need.  The community Yard Sale is this Saturday, July 24th from 8:30am to 1:00pm.  It is at 269 Ellesmere Rd or here is Google Map Link.  10% of everything I sell will go to the Cancer Society of Canada.

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