Saturday, March 20, 2010

Drive Thru's

Why do I use them? I have made it a standard practice for myself not to use Drive Thru's. I have been doing this for the past few years. But yesterday, the children and I went to the KFC drive thru. We placed our order and paid. Then we were told the popcorn chicken would take 3 minutes and could we drive around to the doors and wait, I said sure. 8 minutes later I had had enough and walked in, the food was just being put in the bags. I don't mind waiting, especially if the food is freshly cooked but tell me 8 minutes not 3!!!

You think that would have been enough for me but at the next stop, Wendys, I went to the drive thru. We placed our order and went to pay. Well my bank card wouldn't work. They swiped a pile of times and no luck. I then had the supervisor tell me it was because my bank card wasn't a chip card and perhaps I should have it changed. I informed the supervisor that the card had been used less 10 minutes ago and there was nothing wrong with my card. So I then gave them my credit card, lo and behold, it didn't work either!! The supervisor then asked me if I could come inside and pay as the hand held device wasn't working!! What a surprise, no apology mind you. So I went inside to pay and then asked to speak to the manager. I told the manager that I did not appreciate her staff giving me a lecture on my bank card . She didn't even give me an apology and just said she didn't know anything about my issue. You would think if a customer asked for the manager, they might take a few moments to discover what the problem was especially as it took this manager some time to come and speak with me. As you can tell I was totally unimpressed by the service I received. I made a complaint on their website.

I think I will go back to my old method of parking and going in. I thought that since there was no queue, it would be quick. That was the reason I stopped using Drive Thru's because of the lineups. I don't like to waste my fuel sitting idling in a queue. Also it is nice to see and speak to a person when you place an order.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I hate drive thrus too! Once in the early 80s I used one. They gave me all the wrong food. Well, I didn't find out until we were well under way and could not return. That experience put me off.

However, we just tried the new Meridian Drive Thru and had success recieving the right amount of money. So maybe I will have to try a McDonald's coffee on the free day so we don't have to worry about money there!