Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

The children didn't wake us up too early. They are supposed to open their stockings (we use pillowcases) in their rooms, that was the way we did it in my family but they all came in our room and piled on our bed. I am so glad we have a king size bed with all these people on it. After the stockings we headed downstairs.

Hugh and I even managed to get dressed before the presents were opened. Everyone was in a mad rush to open gifts. Donovan loved his new guitar for the WII guitar hero. Miles received a load of Lego and Detta had a new painting set with travel case. Plus there were some other stuff for them also.
I turned the tv on to Citytv for the fireplace but they didn't do it this year. I was so disappointed. Hugh and I got the potatoes roasting. Hugh very kindly peeled them last night after I went to bed.

Then we headed off to Anne's. Next year I think we will have to start just a little later. Twelve noon is pushing it to get all of us ready to go. There were lots of people, Anne, Al, Alex, Liz, Joan, Tom, Kath, Alan, Andrew, Sue, Aimee, Lizzie's friend (can't remember her name), Margot, Sandy (Alex and Liz's uncle) plus Hugh, me, Detta, Miles and Donovan. Nineteen people in total. As soon as I heated the bacon wrapped sausages up, people were stealing them. I had to swip a few hands.

Dinner was fabulous. There was so much food. We then opened some more presents which was mayhem. I think next year we should wait till the tables are put away.

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