Not only is it New Years Day but Joan's birthday also. Joan decided to have a craft party this year so she invited her sisters (me, Anne and Katherine) and a couple of
friends, Laurie and Sue (who is visiting from Australia). We are going to make polymer bracelets. This is something we can all make in one session. Joan and I have already had a test run where we made Christmas buttons, Christmas trees and candy. They are very cute.
Joan had a large selection of colours and after much deliberation, we all chose our colours. Then we had to mix, roll, and twist many times. We had to stick a skewer through each one, and then the beads were cooked. We did two different varieties. We had a great time threading the beads and putting the clasps on, I became so fed up, Joan did mine!
Joan made us delicious panini sandwiches for lunch. Some of us had to have a second half. Then there were presents, tea and cake, of course. We all came away with two bracelets which were very cool. I will have to do this with the children, they would really enjoy this.